Sunday, January 30, 2011

Extracting Events from Time Based Signals

Seems like I regularly re-discover how to debounce signals... so maybe if I... 1) write 'em down and 2) remember I wrote 'em down and 3) remember WHERE I wrote 'em down...  then I could copy off myself.  Ya that sounds like a good plan.  Here we go.

As usual this is all based on GNU (R)Oc(K)tave and since i don't think I've mentioned it yet:  Notepad++ is a great editor and it's free.

So.  Let's say we've got some time based data, maybe with some noise riding on top of it:  Here's a combination of sine waves with a 1kHz sample rate.

     % a fabricated signal and its time, at 1kHz sample rate
     signal = sine_wave_1 + sine_wave_2;                      
     t_ = linspace(1, length(signal), length(signal)) * 0.001;    

Furthermore, let's assume we want to extract a time window (or subset) of that data.  To do that we need a defined start point and a defined end point.  In data logging these are often called "triggers."

For simplicity I'll assume the time window of interest is associated with large values of the signal.  In that case, some simple threshold comparison logic is enough to synthesize a  two state or true-false signal that starts to rough out a time window of interest:

     % digitize the signal into a true/false state 
     signal_threshold = 1;                      
     state = (signal > signal_threshold);       

Hopefully it's clear that the noise is causing some rapid oscillation in my otherwise clean state signal.  I'll need to debounce those state transitions to get a clean pair of start and end triggers.

There's a variety of FOR loop constructions that could work, but array operations are a lot faster.  Octave has a bunch of powerful set operations, and pretty much any operator (subtraction, for example) accepts array arguments: 

     % find state transitions
     index = find(abs(state .- shift(state, 1)) > 0);
     t_transitions = t_(index);
     transitions = state(index);

Here I'm finding state transitions, meaning a difference from one point in time to the next:
  • The "difference of two points"  means subtraction.  I'm using  the  dot-minus form to explicitly indicate element by element subtraction (not required, but more informative)
  • The shift.operator slides the elements one  to the right (one due to the argument of 1).  This gives me a loop to loop difference without using  a FOR loop.
  • The find operator returns  the indices of array elements statisfying the defined logic; in this case, all calculation results greater than zero...
  • and with an abs operator - again operating on an array of calculation results - I catch both positive and negative results, that is, both rising and falling edges of my state signal.
The calculation I really need is the index; the others are there so I can plot the transitions.  In short, that one line calculation of index reduces the 500 points of the  state variable down to just eight data point candidates for a time window.

The last step is to define and apply a filter to get rid of the extraneous transitions, aka "debounce" the transitions.  The cheapest, fastest way I've found to debounce a signal is to look at it with a pair of human eyes attached to a reasonably prepared human brain.  I suspect there are more mathematically rigorous treatments but I doubt they're as efficient or universally applicable, and I maintain my way is pretty darn fast.  

So, glancing at the data I say to myself "the signal I'm looking for doesn't change any faster than, uh, 25msec."  That means there has to be 25milliseconds between valid state transitions, or at my 1kHz sample rate, a difference of at least 25 between array indices.  

The debounce logic below somewhat parallels the transitions logic, except in the domain of array indices instead of time or signal value.  The main reason to use indices is that it pairs a time with its value.

     % debounce, assumes 25msec threshold @1kHz... 25 reads
     debounce_index = find(abs(index .- shift(index, 1) > 25);
     index = index(debounce_index);
     t_events = t_transitions(index);
     events = transitions(index);

The green triangles indicate my guesses at a time window containing large values of the signal.  Those could be called "triggers," I've got them labeled as events. .  In case it's not obvious what's going on with the debounce, it uses the difference of consecutive indices of the detected transitions, and it ignores consecutive transitions unless they're "far enough away" from their predecessor.

So the process was 
  1. get a clean state signal, in this case based on the value of the input
  2. find the state transitions 
  3. filter out noise based on the indices of transitions 

Once you've got confidence that your filter is working, you can golf the code down to a couple of lines; after all you don't need to plot every intermediate step.  Hope that helps (at least, I hope it helps ME)... have at it!

- nzvyyx

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