However, both produce records: handwritten notes from one and binary computer data files from another. Storing records has always been a challenge; finding them again later is worse. I even wrestle with how to keep organized. Almost any record is simultaneously a piece of data, a process, and a reference.
I'm fairly certain, though, that any record that required work should not get scrapped. Ever.
For data I'm loving MySQL, but for processes I think I want a version control system.
Here's a concrete example, I have a simple system level math model of my product, a six speed automatic transmission. It contains about 100 files. This is microscopic compared to "real" version controlled projects but I still want:
- insurance against breakage (due to my own actions)
- availability as a reference or tutorial for other projects
- easy parallel branch maintenance
Looks to me like pretty much any version control system will get me most of that. Unfortunately that kind of flexibility is not an advantage to a n00b like myself.
Here's how I picked Git:
1. Git appears to work on a project version, rather than file versions
Most of the VCS options want to maintain a series of file patches that allow you to move from one version to the next (or previous). The VCS process appears to be
- invent or "bless" an initial version
- check out copies of files, make changes to them, and
- check in the results and update the database
Transactional databases would probably do the same things for me, but diff tools etc are already built into good a VCS. Neither one is going to like my habit of swapping information environments and tools, however.
Running a DIFF between an M script and a binary data file or compiled C doesn't sound meaningful.
Other VCSs want to track changes to files; Git's philosophy appears to be more like, track changes in a directory - not a great example but somewhat descriptive..
Git fundamentally looks more flexible.
2. Git is a distributed system.
I'm trying to become more agile. In my experience, centralized authority pretty much opposes agile.
For example, ten or fifteen years ago, some engineers would ask a secretary to type reports for them. It was a serious bottleneck compared to today, where everybody types up their own garbage.
Similar comparisons are available from Labs & Shops environments, or the I.T. department, or pretty much any process where there's a limited number of people who are actually working as compared to the number of people requesting work. There's a wide variety of parallels, at least philosophically, where a distributed model is more more productive and more robust than a centralized model.
Combining that observation with the expected level of management chain support... well, a distributed system makes more sense.
- nzvyyx
ps [update 1MAY11]
I prefer NotePad++ for lightweight file editing (it grandfathers my OS-independent rule), and since Der Kompanie removed BeyondCompare I was forced to find another diff/merge tool: DiffMerge won.
Given the trial-and-error work I did and the various Google sidetracks involved, I thought it might be helpful to post the resulting .gitconfig options that worked on my WinXP machine:
For NotePad++:
editor = <your_personal_path_to>notepad++.exe
autocrlf = false
For DiffMerge:
tool = diffmerge
[mergetool "diffmerge"]
cmd = <your_personal_path_to>DiffMerge.exe --merge -- result=$MERGED $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE
trustExitCode = true
You can get all of that done via mutliple git config --global commands at the prompt, or you could just copy the stuff above directly into .gitconfig file directly (e.g., open it in Notepad++).
If it works, then git mergetool should give you an option to open DiffMerge. Good Luck!
- nzvyyx
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